Mastering YOUR child's sleep has never been so easy with this clear, concise program.
BUY NOW $99Is this what you've been looking for?
- You are having a tough time getting into a good rhythm with your baby. You have tried everything.
- You really just don’t’ know how much sleep your baby should be getting and how long they should be awake for.
- You want to be able to put your baby down and your baby to be able to fall asleep on their own and stay asleep!
- You want longer naps.
- You want your baby to sleep better in the night. (0-1 Night feeds)
- You want a sleep consultant’s expertise to help you get started with a step by step guide to instil healthy sleep habits.
- You want to be able to get some independence back. You want in the evening to yourself, to spend time with your partner or to have time during naps to get all your tasks done.

“Before reaching out to Char, my 3 month old son was SO fussy, would never nap (if he did, it would only be on me or for 15-20 minutes in his swing, once or twice a day) and it would take us anywhere from 30-90 minutes to get him to bed, only to be up a few hours later to do it all over again. Now, he comfortably goes down for several naps in his bassinet and will fall asleep for bed within less then 10 minutes of laying down for up to 6 straight hours! He’s such a happy and enjoyable baby to be around and I credit it completely to improved sleep habits! Char was so supportive and understanding of any worries or concerns we had and was easy to reach when we were in need! I’m so thankful for Char and all her knowledge and so glad we were able to work with her to improve our son’s sleep!”
- Megan
- SAY YES TO SLEEP! Purchase the program and log in to gain access to your 3-6m program library.
- Watch the videos in order and re watch any time. Download and print the PDF guide for easy reference. *Closed caption option for the hearing impaired!*
- Pick a start night where you can have 2 weeks to focus on your child’s sleep.
- Daily memos. I have worked with so many families that I know what we are going to see in trends during these two weeks. You will feel as If I am right there with you the whole two weeks! You have the option to add on one on one support as well for customized guidance.
“We worked with Char to get our 3 month twin boys to start sleeping through the night and after just a few days we were able to get down to only one night feed! 2 weeks later, the night feed was gone on its own and both boys were sleeping through the night! I’ve told so many people this already but this is literally the best money I have ever spent!” - Sara
- Sleep environment
- What you need in your nursery and what you don’t. How to set up the perfect, safe sleep space.
- Routines and awake times, naps, night feeds and night wakings. All the good stuff!
- Soothing techniques
- What to expect in the 3-6 months.
- Multiples
- Plus so much more!
*If your baby was born preterm, please use their adjusted age (actual due date) when purchasing a program. If your baby is 3 months but was born a month early, this program is not appropriate for them yet. The newborn guide would be more appropriate.*

Is this going to be “cry it out”?
It is completely normal to be anxious about crying. I wish with my whole heart that there was a solution that resulted in zero crying. Teaching your child to sleep well will most likely involve some amount of protest on the child’s part. Crying is your child’s way of protesting change, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep habits will result in some protest. Crying is their only form of communicating. Change does not always come easy. We do everything we can to minimize the crying and set your child up for success. And most parents report that night one went better than they expected! “Cry it out” is referred to as the extinction technique. This is there you put them down, leave the room and don’t return until morning. This is not included in the program. The techniques I have here are gentle and supportive.
It is also good news that the crying is usually short lived and after a few days into the plan, the crying starts to disappear as the child starts to develop a strategy on how to fall asleep and feels more comfortable and confident in their sleep abilities. If you don’t commit to a plan and are trying different things every day, there is going to be more crying over all then when we stick with a plan.
The guide contains evidence and research based knowledge so you can feel confident in mastering every aspect of your child’s sleep.

I was in your shoes once. My first did not sleep unless she was on me or nursing. My late night internet searches were not helping with all the conflicting information. I was completely overwhelmed with how much information there was. It got to the point where she was up every single hour all night long. I reached my breaking point. I hired a sleep consultant when she was 12 weeks old. We had tremendous success. I couldn’t have been happier to finally get some rest. Having a baby that slept set the tone for my parenting journey. Babysitter, no problem. Sleepover and grandmas house, piece of cake. Camping? Most definitely. We could confidently put her down anywhere. She was 5 months old when we started camping that first summer. We would put her down and right back out to the campfire to socialize. I wouldn’t trade anything for my zest and joy for motherhood that sleep has given me.
I created these programs to bridge the financial gap so all families that need help can have it. You don’t have to wait! You can start now! I want you to feel your best so you can be the best mom you want to be and know your baby is getting the sleep they need to grow and thrive.
Are you ready? I’m right here with you.
Let’s do this together.